Outstanding University of Mary Washington students were honored for outstanding achievements at commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7 and at recent awards programs.
Victoria Kim-Sze Wong received the UMW Alumni Award for demonstrating an outstanding combination of academic excellence, leadership and service to the university and Departmental Honors in English.
Michael J. Kappert received the Fredericksburg Kiwanis Award and Departmental Honors in Political Science.
Julie Ann Dymon won the UMW Alumni Association Bachelor of Liberal Studies Distinguished Graduate Award for academic excellence and citizenship. Dymon also received the Carlton R. Lutterbie, Jr. Award for the Outstanding English Major and Departmental Honors in English.
Emily Antos received the Clara Boyd Wheeler Award for graduating senior who exemplifies grace, a spirit of service and the ability to change lives.
Sarah Lowdon received the Elizabeth M. Baumgarten Leadership Award for outstanding service to the university and community.
Jackson Clement, Courtney Leigh Goimarac, Sarah Tryon and Thomas Lyman Tutor received Scholar-Athlete Awards.
Department Awards
Lauren Ruth Scott, Art Department Award in Photography;
Virginia Paarfus Zell, Art Department Award in Printmaking and Art Department Award in Ceramics;
Gina Mae Gotierre Dargan, Art Department Award in Textile Design;
Tenee’ Amber Hart, Emil Schnellock Award in Painting;
Adil Muhammad Quaraish, William A. Castle Award for the Outstanding Biology Major and Departmental Honors in Biological Sciences;
Amy Lynn Sams, Outstanding Senior in Business Administration Award;
Kathryn Emily Christian, Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants Award, Patricia L. Metzger Award and Departmental Honors in Mathematics;
Dawn Melissa Graninger, American Institute of Chemists Award;
Jonathan Stephen Williams, American Chemical Society Outstanding Chemistry Major and Departmental Honors in Chemistry;
Matthew Thomas Wallace, Laura V. Sumner Award in Classics and Departmental Honors in Classics;
Megan Ashley Walker, Outstanding Graduate in Classics, Barbara Leigh Gregg Prize in Greek and Departmental Honors in Classics;
Daniel Arias, Outstanding Graduate in Philosophy and Departmental Honors in Philosophy;
Lynda Marlene Long, Outstanding Graduate in Religion and Departmental Honors in Religion;
Matthew C. Baker and Jaclyn Evans, Adam Smith Award for Graduate Study in Economics and Departmental Honors in Economics;
Ashley Jordan, Henry W. Hewetson Economics Award;
Ian Christopher Pope, Harold Thompson Straw Award in Geography;
Sarah Gwendolyn McNeal, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Award in Geography and Departmental Honors in Geography;
Matthew Thomas Holden, Matthew Fontaine Maury Award;
Christopher Byrne Young, Grace Wadsworth Award in Historic Preservation;
Allison M. Campo, Historic Preservation Achievement Award;
Adriana Teresa Lesiuk, Governor Alexander Spotswood Award in Historic Archaeology;
Deidre Ryan, Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Award in Honor of Prince B. Woodard;
Kelly G. Reeder, Almont Lindsey Award for Excellence in History;
Sally Josephine Kwapisz, Phi Alpha Theta Award for highest GPA in History;
Allison Laura Godart, Glen R. Thomas Award for highest GPA in American Studies and Willie Lee
Rose Award for Academic Excellence in History and American Studies;
Claire T. Tuley, Joseph Carroll Vance Award for Excellence in Historical Research;
Kelsie Brooke Snyder, Oscar Schultz Award in Mathematics and Departmental Honors in Mathematics;
Joseph G. Spiro, Anne and Sidney Hamer Music Award;
Hannah O’Neal von Oeyen, Mu Phi Epsilon Sterling Achievement Award in Music;
Stephanie N. Mattern, Outstanding Senior Award in Music;
Joseph Arthur Thompson, Physics Faculty Award;
Madina Ahmadzai and Nicholas Frederick Jacobs, Ann Elizabeth Fitschen Memorial Political Science Award;
Denise Louise Regeimbal, Outstanding Bachelor of Professional Studies Student Award;
Silas Taylor Williams IV, Robert E. Ingham Award in Theatre and Departmental Honors in Theatre;
Erin O’Neal, Ruby York Weinbrecht Award for Outstanding Senior Library Assistant.
Graduate Business Awards
Lawrence Gregory Andrews, Outstanding Master of Business Administration Student Award;
Todd M. Lowdermilk, Outstanding Master of Science in Management Information Systems Student Award;
David Charles Poss, Outstanding Master of Business Administration-Master of Science in Management Information Systems Student Award.
Graduate Education Awards
Mari Inez Galindo-Sanchez, Outstanding Master of Education Student Award;
Sheri Ann Farinholt (Stafford Campus) and Kelly Key (Fredericksburg Campus), Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Virginia Scholars Award;
Elizabeth Julia Pringle, Barbara Bishop Mann ’66 Virginia Educator Award;
Lisa Leung, Outstanding Student Teacher Award;
Mariana Hermosilla, Sarah Jones and Matthew Kaberline, Master of Education Writing Award.
Departmental Honors
Melody Harper Ain and Davida Charlene Austin, Departmental Honors in Art History;
Christine Andrea Bax, Annum Khan Shaikh, Jessica Lynn Sine and Sarah Tryon, Departmental Honors in Biological Sciences;
Sarah R. Almahdali, Departmental Honors in Chemistry;
Elizabeth Claire Egbert, Michelle Renee Morrison and Meagan Elizabeth Smith, Departmental Honors in Classics;
Stacey L. Aylor, Lucy Katherine Bain, Aaron Matthew Clemmer, Christopher Ian Donaher, Kevin M. Hamerski and Jeffrey McElhannon, Departmental Honors in Computer Science;
Andrew Evans Snyder-Beattie and Peter Wingrove, Departmental Honors in Economics;
Amanda E. Boccuti, Meghan Michelle Edwards, Megan Eichenberg, Jessica Mary Hale, Sarah Katherine Kountz, McKenna Lehman, Meganne Elizabeth Lemon, Ryan Lawrence Marr, Mairin Elspeth Martin, Olivia Paige Geer Snider and Victoria Kim-Sze Wong, Departmental Honors in English;
Isabel Eleanor Moore, Departmental Honors in Environmental Science
Amber Lea Huffman, Departmental Honors in Geography;
Lindsay Jane Walker, Departmental Honors in Geology;
Geoffrey Driskell, Andrew Evans Snyder-Beattie and Erin Leigh Strange, Departmental Honors in Mathematics;
Damian Arthur Allen, John Young Brown Hood III and Thomas Richard Larson, Departmental Honors in Philosophy;
Michele Ruth Alexander, Monique Zahra DeZarn, Alicia Noelle Grolbert, Nicholas Frederick Jacobs, Cara Aileen Braccidiferro MacDonald and Michael D. O’Donnell, Departmental Honors in Political Science;
Lauren Paige Hartwell, Stephanie Lichiello and Alexandra Ilyssa Zelin, Departmental Honors in Psychology;
Tracey Danielle Rosenberg and Caitlyn Alysse Yost, Departmental Honors in Religion;
Elizabeth Kathleen Bergman, Bethany Anne Farrell, Karen E. Kelleher, Carol Lorraine Montgomery and Michelle Elizabeth Sanders, Departmental Honors in Theatre.