Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont is hosting the exhibition “Glimpses of Holland from the Portfolios of Gari Melchers” from Saturday, September 1 through Sunday, November 18.
Artist Gari Melchers visited the Netherlands frequently during his career and used the country as an inspiration for many of his works. The exhibition features 50 first impressions drawn from Melchers’ portfolios and collection of preliminary oil sketches and studies.

Art historian Jeffrey Ruggles will present the lecture “Henry Box Brown: Famous Fugitive, Trans-Atlantic Performer” on Sunday, October 28 at Gari Melchers Home and Studio. Ruggles, author of “The Unboxing of Henry Brown” and former curator of prints and photographs at the Virginia Historical Society, will retrace the journey of escaped slave and antislavery speaker Henry Brown. The lecture, which begins at 2 p.m., is free and open to the public. The program is organized by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and is supported in part by the Paul Mellon Endowment and the Jean Stafford Camp Memorial Fund.
On Sunday, September 30, Elizabeth Cruickshanks will present an information session, “How to Apply for a VMFA Visual Arts Fellowship,” at Belmont. Cruickshanks, fellowship program coordinator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, will explain the application process for a visual arts fellowship and provide the history of the program. The session begins at 2 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
Gari Melchers Home and Studio is a 28-acre estate and former residence of the artist Gari Melchers and his wife Corinne. The property, which is operated by the University of Mary Washington, is both a Virginia Historic Landmark and a National Historic Landmark. Located at 224 Washington St. in Falmouth, Va., a quarter mile west of the intersection of U.S. 1 and U.S. 17, it is open daily with an admission charge. The museum also serves as the official Stafford County Visitor Center. For directions and other information, call (540) 654-1015 or visit the museum website at