Registration is now open for the Guinness World Records attempt at the University of Mary Washington to honor the retirement of its ninth president, Richard V. Hurley.
With a Guinness World Records judge on-site, UMW will attempt to break the current record of 432 pairs of simultaneous jumping high-fives on Wednesday, April 13. Registration is free but required, and is available through the event website. Due to building capacity, UMW will accept 3,000 registrants, and the first 2,500 participants to arrive at the event will be included in the official attempt. The event will take place in the William M. Anderson Center on the Fredericksburg campus at 4 p.m., with doors opening at 2 p.m. The event is open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend.
Throughout his tenure, Hurley has become known for high fiving students as he passes them on Campus Walk. More recently, he’s given graduating seniors a “code word” that signals a request for a high-five instead of a handshake as they cross the Ball Circle stage at Commencement.
The current record for most people performing a jumping high-five simultaneously was achieved last June in London during a celebration of National Women in Engineering Day. A jumping high-five pairs two participants, who take a little leap while slapping palms together. To make it simultaneous, all pairs of participants must perform the move within five seconds of a signal being given.
To register or for more information, visit or contact the Office of Media and Public Relations at 540/654-1055.