Apply to UMW’s accredited Nursing RN-to-BSN program
The Nursing (BSN) Program is designed as a completion program for registered nurses who hold an associate’s degree, UMW’s Bachelor of Nursing Degree Completion Program prepares graduates to identify and improve patient care within a complex healthcare system, to assume more vital roles within the medical profession, and to continue their nursing education to the graduate level. Online, hybrid classes make it easy to enroll full-time to complete the program in just one year of study on a part-time basis.
The curriculum combines UMW’s tradition of liberal arts with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, recommendations. Students take three liberal arts courses and seven higher-level nursing courses and receive valuable mentorships from UMW faculty and nursing leaders in the Fredericksburg community.
If you’re a registered nurse who wants more from your career in healthcare, UMW’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Completion Program can take you there. Check out the following FAQs, and be sure to let us know if you have more questions.
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Is UMW’s Bachelor of Nursing program right for me?
The program is designed for graduates of an associate degree or hospital diploma programs who hold an RN license in Virginia and wish to gain a bachelor of science in nursing. Applicants must have attained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in undergraduate study. Applicants who earned a GPA lower than 3.0 may be considered with additional documentation.
Students receive 41 credits for gaining licensure as a registered nurse through a community college or accredited hospital diploma program. Students may transfer as many as 90 credits from another school, including general education and prerequisite course credits. However, to complete the BSN Completion Program, students must earn 30 at UMW.
Enroll full-time and finish the program in just one year, or take classes part-time and earn your degree at your own pace.
The BSN Completion Program teaches registered nurses concepts related to clinical reasoning, critical thinking, cultural sensitivity, evidence-based practice, genetics and genomics, informatics, inter-professional teams, life-long learning, patient-centered care, patient safety, professionalism, quality improvement, and practice across the lifespan.
Upon completing the BSN degree, nurses can practice as members of the profession and assume the roles of provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of care in a growing complex healthcare system.
The BSN Degree Completion Program is at the University of Mary Washington Stafford Campus, U.S. 17 North, near Interstate 95. Classes will be offered in an online/distance-learning hybrid format in eight-week blocks.
Suggested filing dates to apply to UMW’s BSN program are April 1 for fall, October 15 for spring, and March 1 for summer. See the BLS program details in the Academic Catalog for in-depth information. Apply online using the Application for Undergraduate Degree Completion Programs.
Look for a letter from the Office of Admissions. Once accepted, students are contacted by the director of the BSN Completion Program for advisement and registration.
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Please contact UMW Admissions at (540) 654-2000 or Email us at, or you can fill out our Request for More Information Form.