Education Endorsement and Certificate Programs
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M.Ed. for Professional Development or Added Endorsement
Education Endorsement and Certificate Programs
M.Ed. for Accelerated Instructional Improvement
Commonwealth Graduate Engineering Program
Master of Business Administration MBA
M.Ed. with Initial Teacher Licensure
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Graduate Tuition & Aid
Graduate Military Scholarship Program
Graduate Program Enrollment Deposit
Financial Aid for Graduate Students
UMW Virginia Teacher Scholarship
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Are UMW’s College of Education endorsement and certificate programs right for me? Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
UMW’s College of Education Endorsement and Certificate Programs offer a graduate endorsement and two certificates. Prospective students possess bachelor’s degrees and valid Virginia collegiate or postgraduate professional licenses. Competitive applicants will have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on undergraduate coursework and 3.0 or higher on graduate coursework. Many classes are offered during weekends and evenings.UMW’s added credentials give educators increased knowledge in a particular field. The added credentials will lead to more lucrative and fulfilling employment options.
Post-baccalaureate certificate in teaching students with autism
Explore the wide range of characteristics of students on the autism spectrum, learn positive approaches to behavior management, discover methods for teaching and supporting students, and delve into emerging and assistive technologies.
The Board of Visitors approved the tuition and mandatory fees outlined below, effective for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
To enroll for the fall semester, the suggested filing dates are Priority Jun 1, Standard Jul 1, and Space Available Aug 1. The spring suggested filing dates are Priority Nov 1, Standard Dec 1, and Space Available Jan 1. The summer filing dates are Priority Feb 1, Standard Mar 15, and Space Available Apr 15. UMW does accept post-filing date applications on a rolling, space-available basis. Check out the College of Education Graduate Endorsement and Certificate Programs Checklist for needed materials.
Have questions about Graduate Admissions?
Please contact Graduate Admissions at (540) 654-5862 or Email us at, or you can fill out our Request for More Information Form. Feel free to visit our social media as well.