Let’s do this thing. Let’s accomplish something tangible today. My plan? To finish this blog post. My hope for you? To read it and write a good solid first draft of your resume. Here goes!
First, why do you need a resume? Because employers expect it. Enough said. But if you want more data, here’s some more information

Second, should you use a template? Probably not. Why not, you ask? This sums up my thinking
Now, to commence! I recommend that you now read over the section on the CCPD website devoted to resume writing. This will give you the information you need to start writing or updating your resume. Be sure to also look at the sample resumes we’ve provided as well. There’s nothing like a good, solid example to help you decide how you want to format your resume.
Once you have a rough draft, you want to put it aside for a day or two and then review it with a fresh eye. Look for typos, of course, but also read over the entire thing. Is the language consistent? Are there lots of strong action verbs to describe what you accomplished and contributed? Is it attractive and easy to read?
If you can say yes to all the above, as well as to the other recommendations shared on the CCPD site shared above, I recommend that you have one of the CCPD coaches review your resume next. This can be done via an appointment (phone/Zoom or email) and you can set up the appointment on Handshake.
There you have it! That wasn’t so bad, was it? Check “Resume” off your list and next week we’ll be back at you with some quick and easy tips for writing strong cover letters.
Mary Becelia, Career Coach