Resources for Seniors
Class of 2025
Graduation is on your calendar, but what comes after? Your years of hard work and scholarship have led you to this point, and it’s time to make plans surrounding what a successful life after Mary Washington means to you. Let’s work together so you can soar high!

Let’s Talk Life After Mary Washington
We hope that every senior will take advantage of our coaching appointments, whether it is to strategize your job/internship search, update your LinkedIn or Handshake profiles, prepare for an interview, or chat about career options. All this and more, the CCPD career coaches are here for you! Just call the office at 540-654-5646 or go to Handshake to set up an appointment.
Note: If you don’t make it in to see us before graduation, we are open in the summers and available to you as an alum.
If you have a quick question or need some eyes on your resume/cover letter right away, a drop-in visit might be the answer. Our trained Peer Career Consultants staff these hours in the CCPD suite, and the schedule varies by semester.
Employers who come to UMW generally have jobs and internships to fill, and we encourage you to stop by employer tables to learn more. It only takes five minutes between classes to potentially make a connection that will lead you to an amazing job or internship.
The CCPD also tables; you’ll usually find us in the CRUC, but sometimes we land in other campus locations. Stop by, we usually have swag to give you, sometimes we have free food to share, and we are always happy just to chat with you!
Leading up to each Career & Internship Fair we offer a week of prep! Extra resume drop-in hours, tables where you can prep your elevator pitch, learn what to wear to the fair, and much more are all featured!
With graduation coming soon, this is the place to make connections with employers and learn about available jobs and internships. Employers representing a wide variety of career fields, from business to tech to nonprofit and more are here to talk to you. Practice your elevator pitch (the CCPD can help!), dress for the event, and start moving toward your future!
Note: If you are job searching in the fall or spring after graduation, you are still welcome at the fair!
Tools for Seniors
Focus 2
Complete the 5 assessments and visit occupation pages, check out professional associations – sometimes they offer job banks and student memberships to assist you in your job search.
(New user access code: eagle)
Complete your profile, reach out to recruiters for jobs you are interested in. Be sure to register for the career fair and other on-campus or virtual events you are interested in. Did you know you can message recruiters and video chat with them through Handshake?
Login to Handshake with your UMW username and password:
Big Interview
Job interviews are approaching. Dreading the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” question? Learn tips and examples to help you craft an answer that stands out.
Login to Big Interview with your UMW username and password:
Access Forage to participate in simulations designed to give you a realistic preview of jobs in a range of industries.
V-TOP Courses
Take free, online, self-paced training courses developed by the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership to prepare for successful internships and jobs.
My Next Move
Use this tool to explore potential career paths based on your interests and talents.