Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
Kevin McCluskey, Associate Professor of Theatre, holds an MFA (1992) in theatre from Indiana University and a BFA (1988) from the University of South Dakota. He is a member of the United States Institute of Theatre Technology and also serves as monitor for their Costume Rental Database, a source for more than 300 members to locate difficult-to-find costume pieces.
He is the author of the article “Empire Dress in America,” which appeared in Encyclopedia USA. He also designed and executed costumes for the American premiere of the play Emmy Goering Stands By Her Man, as well as the premiere professional production of the play Darlin’. In addition, he has worked with the Green Mountain Opera Festival, Utah Musical Theatre, the Black Hills Playhouse, Post Playhouse, and Puppet Projects.
McCluskey is an expert in costume/fashion history, costume design and construction, theatrical makeup design, and period style for theatre, which examines how art, architecture, decor, dress, and ideas are combined and influence one another to create the historical design for a period play.