Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
Leonard R. Koos, Associate Professor of French, earned a Ph.D. (1990), an M.Phil. (1985) and an M.A. (1983) in French from Yale University and a B.A. (1982) in French and political science from the University of California at Los Angeles. Included among his most recent publications are “Terrains Vagues: Writing the Fin de Siècle Suburb” in Images of the City in Nineteenth-Century France (1998); “Improper Names: Pseudonyms and Transvestites in Decadent Prose” in Perennial Decay: On the Aesthetics and Politics of Decadence (1999); and “Between Two Worlds: Constructing Colonialist Identity in Turn-of-the-Century Algeria” in Origins and Identities in French Literature (1999). Dr. Koos also was awarded a Teaching Innovation Program Grant from Mary Washington and he was a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend.