From mixing paint pigments to mixing music, high school students in UMW’s Summer Enrichment Program signed up for a week of college-level learning paired with outdoor activities in the Fredericksburg area. By day three in the week-long program, they had visited Ferry Farm and Kenmore, picked up litter along the Read more…
Students turned an unusual array of objects – a puffy pink pony, a giant nose, one wooden hoop – into charcoal sketches at the University of Mary Washington earlier this week. “Awesome stuff, guys,” Assistant Professor of Painting and Drawing Ashe Laughlin said of the rising 10th- through 12th-graders’ still-life Read more…
The University of Mary Washington Department of Music is proud to present Supercollider and Sitars, a concert featuring two of its newest ensembles at Gari Melchers Home and Studio on Friday, November 2, 7:30 PM.
The UMW New Music Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Michael Bratt, Visiting Assistant Professor of Read more…Read more about Michael Bratt.