Associate Professor
Academic Degrees
Ranjit Singh teaches courses in international relations, Middle East politics, and politics and the environment. He has extensive experience in the Middle East, having lived over seven years in the region. He worked as a field officer for the National Democratic Institute during the Palestinian-Israeli Oslo peace process of the 1990s, and has conducted political research in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Afghanistan, and the Gulf. He has served as an international election observer throughout Asia and Africa. In addition to frequent conference presentations, his research and commentary on political development, conflict, and pedagogy has appeared in numerous books and journals, including Review of Middle East Studies, Digest of Middle East Studies, Middle East Report, Middle East International, and the Small Wars Journal. He also lectures and teaches a graduate seminar titled "Strategy and War" for the US Naval War College.
In addition, Professor Singh currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of the non-profit Northern Virginia Conservation Trust. He frequently speaks on environmental issues, including environmental justice, in the Fredericksburg region. Raised on a local family farm, his research on landowner attitudes towards conservation in Stafford County appears in the journal Environment, Space, Place.