Our University of Mary Washington community has a story to tell, a story about students who study abroad in Spain; about alumni who join the Peace Corps and launch businesses; about faculty who bring Think Labs – and the imagination that comes with them – to middle schools.
Isabelle, I am a redhead, too, with freckles and all! Also, I am a biology major/chemistry minor from the Class of 1965 at MWC, so I have already celebrated my 50th reunion. I was a day student, and my five Barrett sisters and I attended MWC and five of us graduated from MWC, but sister Judy transferred to Auburn U. and graduated there. We lived on a farm in Stafford, did all the farm chores, hopped in the farm truck and off to MWC for classes, and we all worked our way through it. I taught biology at Spotsy and Stafford, and raised four talented kids, now all out of college and with families from Ca. to Germany. A liberal arts degree from UMW provides a lifetime of rich experience in all endeavors. You are prepared for anything and can dabble in everything. Life is biology and biology is life! Good luck in your research and the color of your hair! Bobby Barrett Crisp, MWC of UVA now UMW Class of 1965