So, how many people already gave up on their New Year’s Resolutions? A lot has been written about making, maintaining and completing New Year Resolutions. Some people believe, “why make them”? If you don’t make them then you don’t feel defeated when you cannot keep them. It’s mid-January some people may have already threw in the towel and will have to wait an entire year to make new resolutions. May as well, open a box double fudge brownie ice cream and watch the Hallmark channel.
I asked some professional women what their Resolutions or Positive ideas for business women in 2017 would be and they responded as follows:
You can’t change what has already happened, so don’t waste your time thinking about it. Move on, let go, and get over it. Submitted by Jeanne Burkett, Realtor, Century21 Redwood Realty
Get Healthy: We all know this already, though just a reminder of the impact and how much difference a little extra sleep and some healthy eating can make. Cut back on alcohol or sugar. Exercise more. Quit smoking. You’ll live longer, have more energy, and find yourself much more motivated overall to reach your other goals. Say Yes to What Scares You: If someone offers you an opportunity or a challenge, take it. Don’t just demure because it would require more work or energy or is a bit risky. Leap at the big chances and see how far you can run. Submitted by Martha Okeefe, Germanna Community College
Don’t forget about YOU! I recently had someone tell me that our purpose in life is to serve others. We can’t fulfill our purpose if we don’t stop to take care of ourselves. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, this really hit home for me. Submitted by, Andrea Cordray , University of Mary Washington
Get out of your comfort zone and try new things, meet new people and commit to doing one thing for yourself every month. Submitted by, Debe Fults, DisAbility Resource Center
Don’t hesitate to apply for a job when you don’t meet all of the qualifications. Submitted by, Lynne Richardson, University of Mary Washington
Pace yourself…change doesn’t happen overnight. Submitted by, Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct
Sometimes you just have to say the words.” (one of the best pieces of advice I ever received).Also, as a leader, you should always be reading a good book, because you can always recommend it to someone, and it’s a great ice breaker to talk about what you’re reading. Always listen to your staff, even if you can’t always give them what they want. Submitted by, Martha Hutzel Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Many of us make lists. Lists to do “today”, “week”, “month” or this year”. Many get discouraged when “checkmarks” are not beside each item or if they are not “crossed off” on the list by the end of the day. My advice, make the list smaller. Place two or three items on the list and you will be quite the achiever at the end of your set deadline. What if… complete those items and a couple more…then you are an over-achiever! That’s something to celebrate!
P.S. Wolf Tracks, Premium, vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups and chocolate fudge from NC State University would be my “go to” when watching the Hallmark Channel.
Respectfully submitted by, Linda A. Caporali, TSYS, – (People Centered Payments and Solutions)
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