The University of Mary Washington celebrated the 95th anniversary of the Naval Support Facility at Dahlgren through a week of events at UMW’s Dahlgren Campus Center for Education and Research.

The celebration kicked off on Tuesday, Oct. 15 with the lecture “Science and Technology and National Defense” by James E. Colvard. The former technical director of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Colvard reviewed the history of the impact of science and technology on warfare and the critical role of the Navy’s technical infrastructure institutions. The lecture, part of the National Security Lecture Series, began at 8 a.m. in University Hall .
In Wednesday, Oct. 16, the Dahlgren Heritage Museum held an evening reception from 5 to 7 p.m. at UMW’s Dahlgren campus with retired Rear Admiral Brad Hicks of the U.S. Navy as the keynote speaker. The museum, which opened in 2012, showcases the impact the base has had on national security during its 95-year history. To RSVP for the reception, please contact Susan Prien at
The UMW Alumni Association held a luncheon for alumni on Thursday, Oct. 17 at noon, with special guests President Richard V. Hurley and Provost Jonathan Levin. To register for the free luncheon, visit by Thursday, Oct. 10.