University of Mary Washington students were honored for outstanding achievements at recent awards programs.

Department Awards
Anika Hussain, Art Department Awards for Excellence;
Mary B. Novitsky, Art History Award for Outstanding Research;
Caitlin J. Kelly, Melchers Award for Excellence in Art History;
Sara Elizabeth Fioretti and Anna M. Rinko, William A. Castle Award for Outstanding Biology Major;
Lauren M. Catington, Outstanding Senior in Business Administration Award;
Briana Elsa Lanigan, Outstanding Senior in Marketing Award;
Lauren Marie Van Nostrand, Patricia L. Metzger Award;
Lindsey Marie Jones, American Chemical Society Outstanding Chemistry Major;
Matthew A. Tovar, American Institute of Chemists Biochemistry Award;
Hannah Riley Killian, American Institute of Chemists Chemistry Award;
Hannah R. Gautsch, Barbara Leigh Gregg Prize for Excellence in Greek;
Hannah R. Gautsch, Laura V. Sumner Award for Excellence in Classics;
Emma Elizabeth Eichenberger, Outstanding Graduate in Classics;
Joshua Matthew Paschal, Outstanding Graduate in Philosophy;
Mackenzie R. Poust, Outstanding Graduate in Religion;
Paul J. Breene, Philosophy and Law Prize;
Julia Clare Arrington, Ernest C. Ackermann Excellence in Computer Science Award;
Theodosius G. Zotos, Adam Smith Award for Graduate Study in Economics;
Wyatt W. Priddy, Henry W. Hewetson Economics Award;
Christine E. Houchins, Outstanding Major in English;
Sarah Elizabeth Stephen, Outstanding Major in English: Creative Writing;
Anna M. Rinko, Outstanding Major in Communication and Digital Studies;
Rachel Grace Bellamy, Geospatial Technologies Award;
Darby Rene Libka, Harold Thompson Straw Award in Geography;
Sarah Kathryn Dail, James B. Gougher III Award;
Richard William Lewis, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Award in Geography;
Shannon Lee Bremer, Grace Wadsworth Award for Professional Promise in Historic Preservation;
Daphne L. Ahalt, Governor Alexander Spotswood Award in Historic Archaeology;
Elizabeth Grace Hardy, Historic Fredericksburg Foundation Inc. Award in Honor of Prince B. Woodard;
Ilana J. Bleich, Historic Preservation Achievement Award;
Mackenzie Lee Summer Hard, Almont Lindsey Award for Excellence in History;
Ronan Mariam Goforth, Glen R. Thomas Award for Highest GPA in American Studies;
Madeleine A. McCullough, Willie Lee Rose Award for Outstanding Service and Leadership;
Alyssa C. Ruhlen, Phi Alpha Theta Award for Highest GPA in History;
Emily Lynn MacIndoe, Oscar Schultz Award in Mathematics;
Emily Jean Sawyer, Anne and Sidney Hamer Music Award;
Arthur Drake Dragone, Outstanding Senior Award in Music;
Jillian Rae Weisbeck, Emerging Nurse Leader Award;
Shana Marie Leckliter, Highest GPA Award in Nursing;
Kristie Loving Friend, Professional Excellence in Nursing Practice Award;
Hannah Riley Killian, Einstein Award in Physics;
Emily Lynn MacIndoe, Physics Faculty Award;
Stacey Renee Feindt, Ann Elizabeth Fitschen Memorial Political Science Award;
Julia Gibbons, Lewis P. Fickett Jr. Award for Excellence in International Affairs;
Megan Elizabeth Jacobs, Outstanding Senior Psychology Major Award;
Neal M. Gallini-Burdick, Robert E. Ingham Award in Theatre;
John Walfred Cronin, University of Mary Washington Alumni Award;
Theodosius G. Zotos, Alumni Association Service Award;
Stacey Renee Feindt, Alumni Association Bachelor of Liberal Studies Distinguished Graduate Award;
Hannah G. Brown, Ruby York Weinbrecht Award for Outstanding Senior Library Assistant;
Erin Kateri Shaw, Grace Mann Launch Award;
Graduate Arts & Sciences Award
Meredith Dunn Gregory, Outstanding Master of Science in Geospatial Analysis Award;
Graduate Business Awards
Omar Ali Awan, Outstanding Master of Business Administration Award;
Graduate Education Awards
Lesya M. Melnychenko, Barbara Bishop Mann ’66 Virginia Educator Award;
Sarah Mae Peterson and Catherine Elizabeth Parrotte, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Virginia Scholars Award: Initial Licensure Award;
Kendrick D. Keener, Outstanding Education Student
Additional Departmental Honors
Mary B. Novitsky, Departmental Honors in Art and Art History;
Olivia Claire Blake, Emily Ryan Contompasis and Anna M. Rinko, Departmental Honors in Biological Sciences;
Lindsey Marie Jones and Matthew A. Tovar, Departmental Honors in Chemistry;
Mackenzie R. Poust and Brandon S. Roby, Departmental Honors in Classics, Philosophy and Religion;
Julia Clare Arrington, Departmental Honors in Computer Science;
Kathleen Crawford Elliott, Departmental Honors in Earth and Environmental Science;
Emma Kathyrn Baumgardner, Kylie Rebecca Bean, Emily Adele Blow, Brooke Elizabeth Ciardi, Leise Anne Crandall, Emma Elizabeth Eichenberger, Rhonda Lynn Fowler, Hannah R. Gautsch, Christine E. Houchins, Maria Joy Lopes, Nancy T. Pham, Anna M. Rinko, Clara Antoinette Sigmon, Mary Catherine Joy Skinner, Mallori J. Sorensen and Sarah Elizabeth Stephen, Departmental Honors in English, Linguistics and Communications;
Darby Rene Libka, Departmental Honors in Geography;
Ronan M. Goforth, Departmental Honors in History and American Studies;
Riley Jayne Anderson, Makenzie Lynn Clower and Emily Lynn MacIndoe, Departmental Honors in Mathematics;
Logan E. Burum, Elayna S. Gladstone and Amy L. Pepkin, Departmental Honors in Modern Languages and Literatures;
John Walfred Cronin, Stacey Renee Feindt, Julia Gibbons, Gabriel N. Lewis and Haley E. Randall, Departmental Honors in Political Science;
Hannah Riley Killian, Departmental Honors in Physics;
Megan Elizabeth Jacobs and Erin Kateri Shaw, Departmental Honors in Psychological Science;
Jazmin A. Andrews, Lauren C. Esprit and Neal M. Gallini-Burdick, Departmental Honors in Theatre.
Congratulation Briana! We are all very proud of you! 🙂