The University of Mary Washington hosted the C-SPAN Campaign 2012 Bus on Thursday, Sept. 27 on the Fredericksburg campus. The stop was part of a four-day tour to five Virginia universities and colleges to speak to students and community members regarding their thoughts about campaign issues.
When the bus first arrived, political analyst Stephen Farnsworth was a guest on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal segment. Farnsworth, who is a UMW political science professor and director of the University’s Center for Media and Leadership Studies, is an expert on the 2012 presidential election cycle as well as Virginia government and politics. He is the author or co-author of four books, including “The Nightly News Nightmare: Media Coverage of U.S. Presidential Elections, 1988-2008,” “Spinner in Chief: How Presidents Sell Their Policies and Themselves,” “The Mediated Presidency: Television News and Presidential Governance” and “Political Support in a Frustrated America.”
Throughout the morning, students, faculty and staff toured the bus, tested their knowledge of American politics and shared their thoughts about the upcoming election. Short interviews with members of the UMW community are available at and may be used in upcoming C-SPAN programming.
More information about the bus tour is available at or by contacting Jennifer Curran, C-SPAN marketing representative, at (202) 309-3360.