University of Mary Washington Associate Professor of Economics Shawn Humphrey will be featured on the radio program With Good Reason beginning Saturday, Jan. 9. A segment with Emile Lester, associate professor of political science and international affairs, also will re-air.

In the episode “Predicting War,” Humphrey will share his experience with fighting poverty through charitable efforts in Honduras, which he has learned is a complex process that requires constant humility – contrary to the popular one-for-one business models that exist today.
The founder of the Two Dollar Challenge, Month of Microfinance, Poverty Action Conference and La Ceiba Microfinance, Humphrey solves poverty through a focus on partnerships and long-lasting change in developing countries. He shares his thoughts on poverty in his blog, Blue Collar Professor. Humphrey also serves on the Board of Directors of Students Helping Honduras, is a former Clinton Global Initiative University mentor and is an Opportunity Collaboration alumnus.
With Good Reason is a program of the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities. The show airs weekly in Fredericksburg on Sundays from 1-2 p.m. on Radio IQ 88.3 Digital. To listen from outside the Fredericksburg area, a complete list of air times and links to corresponding radio stations can be found at

First aired in spring 2015, the episode “Secrecy in the ‘Sunshine Era’” features Lester’s work in reviewing history textbooks approved by the Board of Education in Texas that a commission of experts claimed were pushing a specific ideology. Lester was one of three faculty scholars asked by a Texas watchdog agency to review the textbooks. He discovered that the textbooks were not only misleading, but were false.
Lester is the author of “Teaching About Religions: A Democratic Approach for Public Schools,” served on the Newseum panel, “Does GOD Make a Difference? Taking religion seriously in schools and universities” and was a featured panelist at the “God in American National Symposium on Religious Literacy” hosted by PBS and the Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life. He also participated in a national symposium “Public Schools, Religion, and the First Amendment” in New York to promote conversation on how public schools, religion, and the First Amendment intersect.