10/19/2019 19-00439 10/19/2019 1435 Assault and batter Battlegrounds Admin X2
by wpengine
10/19/2019 19-00439 10/19/2019 1435 Assault and batter Battlegrounds Admin X2
by wpengine
10/19/2019 19-00438 10/19/2019 1516-1647 Underage alcohol possession Battlegrounds Admin X7
by wpengine
10/19/2019 19-00442 10/19-20/2019 0100-1845 Hit and run- Unattended vehicle 1500 Block, College Ave Pending
by wpengine
10/18/2019 19-00435 10/01-18/2019 0730-0700 Petit larceny- Cleaning supplies Trinkle Hall Pending
by wpengine
10/11/2019 19-00420 09/15/2019-10/11/2019 0600-1442 Petit larceny- Banner Jefferson Hall Pending
by wpengine
10/8/2019 19-00415 9/26/2019 230 Sexual Battery Virginia Hall Pending. Title IX and Comm Atty referral made
by wpengine
10/6/2019 19-00409 10/6/2019 0037-0100 Vandalism- Window Virginia Hall Pending
by wpengine
10/4/2019 19-00416 10/4/2019 1326 Stalking Woodard Hall Pending
by wpengine
10/4/2019 19-00410 10/04-06/2019 1300-1718 Petit larceny- Ear pods Hurley Center Pending
by wpengine
10/3/2019 19-00402 10/3/2019 232 Possess marijuana Randolph Hall Admin x1
1127 Emancipation Highway
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