5/15/2018 18-00250 5/15/2018 Unk-1309 Vandalism- Windows Jefferson Davis Hwy pedestrian bridge Pending
by wpengine
5/15/2018 18-00250 5/15/2018 Unk-1309 Vandalism- Windows Jefferson Davis Hwy pedestrian bridge Pending
by wpengine
5/8/2018 18-00247 05/06-07/2018 1600-1400 Petit larceny- US currency Eagle Landing Pending
by wpengine
5/4/2018 18-00242 5/4/2018 1440 Petit larceny- Bicycle seat Alvey Dr parking deck Pending
by wpengine
5/4/2018 18-00243 5/4/2018 1200-1300 Hit and run, property damage Russell Hall parking deck Pending
by wpengine
5/4/2018 18-00241 5/4/2018 1200-1300 Hit and run- Parked vehicle William St. parking lot Pending
by wpengine
5/3/2018 18-00238 05/02-03/2018 1900-1400 Felonious obtaining of money by false pretenses Virginia Hall Pending
by wpengine
4/30/2018 18-00227 04/29-30/2018 1300-1100 Grand larceny- laptop computer UMW Apartments building 4 Pending
by wpengine
4/28/2018 18-00226 4/28/2018 2343 Underage possession of alcohol Randolph Hall Admin x1
by wpengine
4/28/2018 18-00224 4/28/2018 0230-0245 Assault and batter Russell Hall Admin x1. Victim declined prosecution
by wpengine
4/26/2018 18-00223 04/19-22/2018 2140 Petit larceny- US Currency Mason Hall Pending
1127 Emancipation Highway
Communications Desk
Emergency Number