2/28/2018 18-00117 02/14-28/2018 000-0954 Petit Larceny- Clothing and an electronic device Randolph Hall Pending
by wpengine
2/28/2018 18-00117 02/14-28/2018 000-0954 Petit Larceny- Clothing and an electronic device Randolph Hall Pending
by wpengine
2/28/2018 18-00119 2/28/2018 1400-1631 Petit Larceny- US Currency Mason Hall Pending
by wpengine
2/27/2018 18-00113 2/27/2018 846 Vandalism- Graffiti on a wall Melchers Hall exterior Pending
by wpengine
2/22/2018 18-00104 2/22/2018 1018 Vandalism- Graffiti on a door Anderson Center Pending
by wpengine
2/22/2018 18-00106 2/22/2018 1800-2130 Petit Larceny- Bicycle University Center- Exterior Closed. Bicycle recovered. 02/23/18
by wpengine
2/19/2018 18-00098 02/18-19/2018 1800-1341 Hit and Run- Vehicle damage Randolph Hall parking lot Pending
by wpengine
2/18/2018 18-00095 02/04-18/2018 1200-1000 Grand Larceny- Bicycle Arrington Hall bike rack Pending
by wpengine
2/16/2018 18-00090 2/11/2018 1330 Assault and Batter University Center Pending
by wpengine
2/16/2018 18-00091 01/27-02/13/2018 2247-2137 Petit Larceny- debit card Vocelli?s Pending
by wpengine
2/16/2018 18-00092 2/16/2018 1545-1550 Assault William St. sidewalk Closed. Victim declined prosecution.
1127 Emancipation Highway
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