The Remote Access VPN Policy was created to establish security controls over remote access to computing resources and data hosted at the University of Mary Washington using Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology. You will find the policy in Book E, Administration and Finance, under Section 4, Information Technology. View the policy here
Author: pverbeck
Revised Policy B.8.1. Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence
The Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence Policy was revised January 19, 2017 to reflect the new Interim Title IX Coordinator, Sabrina Johnson. You will find the policy in Book B, Board of Visitors, under Section 8, Community Standards. View the policy here.
Revised Policy E.3.2. UMW Overtime Compensation Policy for Non-Exempt Employees
The UMW Overtime Compensation Policy for Non-Exempt Employees was revised January 5, 2017, to include: -Title change to Overtime Compensation Policy for Non-Exempt Employees. -Inclusion of Overtime Leave. -Inclusion of 15 minute breaksYou will find the policy in Book E, Administration and Finance, under Section 3, Human Resources. View the policy here.
Revised Policy: E.3.9.2. Tuition Waiver
The Tuition Waiver policy was revised November 1, 2016 to include two updates: 1) Inclusion of mandatory processing fee in waver coverage, and 2) Revise eligibility to include Athletic Interns and Athletic Assistants. You will find the policy in Book E, Administration and Finance, under Section 3, Human Resources, View the policy here
Policy E.4.9.3. Information Technology Accessibility
Policy E.4.9.3. was established to support the University of Mary Washington community in promoting equal access opportunity to information technology. The aim is to provide this opportunity in a setting that fosters independence and satisfies the university’s obligations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act […]
Revised Policy B.8.1. Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence
The Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence was revised on September 16, 2016. Revisions were made with input from the University community and in compliance with best practices and OCR guidelines. Revisions approved by BOV on September 16, 2016. You will find the policy in Book B, Board of […]
Revised Policy E.2.8. Direct Deposit of Net Pay
The Direct Deposit of Net Pay was revised September 12, 2016 to update the name of the Commonwealth debit card program to “Way2Go.” You will find the policy in Book E, Administration and Finance, under Section 2, Finance. View the policy here.
Revised Policy E.4.7. Data Encryption
The Data Encryption Policy was revised August 16, 2017 to update and change the encryption methods at the University of Mary Washington. You will find the policy in Book E. Administration and Finance, under Section 4 Information Technology. View the policy here
Revised Policy E.4.4. Network and Computer Use
The “Network and Computer Use Policy” was revised December 2, 2015 to add that Guest users are now included in the policy. Personal communications under priorities of the network was removed. A bullet was added that reads: Users may not remove or uninstall any software or operating system that was part of the PC base […]