Committee Charge
The Leadership Council provides feedback and advises the President on matters of university business such as initiatives, proposals, etc., as well as facilitates communication and establishes a sense of unity across the campus departments. The council typically meets twice each semester, during the fall and spring semesters, in conjunction with the President’s Cabinet.
Committee Membership
The committee consists of the following members:
Cabinet Members:
- Troy D. Paino, President
- Sandra Gregor, Senior Assistant Attorney General and University Counsel
- Juliette Landphair, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Jacob Long, Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer
- Jeff McClurken, Chief of Staff, VP of Strategy & Clerk of the Board
- Tim O’Donnell, Provost
- Shavonne Shorter, Associate Provost for Community Relations & Compliance
- Katie Turcotte, Vice President for Advancement & Alumni Engagement/Executive Director of the UMW Foundation
- Susan Worrell, Executive Director of Events
- Patrick Catullo, Athletic Director
- Hall Cheshire, Chief Information Officer
- Ruth Davison, Director of Compliance, Title IX Coordinator and ADA Coordinator
- Brandy Ellard, Director of Emergency Management and Safety
- Amy Filiatreau, University Librarian
- Dave Fleming, Dean of Residence Life and Housing & Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
- Brian Gorham, Executive Director of Facilities Operations
- Ginny Grigsby, Director of Internal Audit
- Michael Hall, UMW Chief of Police
- Gary Hobson, Capital Outlay Program Director
- Michael Hubbard, Dahlgren Campus Director
- Amy Jessee, Executive Director of University Communications
- Melissa Jones, Dean of Students & Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
- Peter Kelly, Dean, College of Education
- Ben Kjar, Director of Enterprise App Services
- Keith Mellinger, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
- Shanita Mitchell, President USC & Assistant Director to S.T.A.R.S.
- Debra Schleef, Assoc. Provost Institutional Analysis & Effectiveness
- Julie Smith, Associate Vice President of Finance & Interim CFO
- Filiz Tabak, Dean, College of Business
- Pamela Taggert, Executive Director of Budget & Financial Analysis
- Mark Thaden, Executive Director of Alumni Relations & Advancement Communications
- Beth Williams, Executive Director of Human Resources
- Melissa Yakabouski, Dean of Admissions & Associate Vice President
- Kimberly Young, Associate Provost for Career and Workforce
Faculty Council Representatives:
- Davis Oldham, UFC Chair
- Melina Patterson, UFC Vice Chair
- Karen Anewalt, UFC Secretary
- April Wynn, UFC Parliamentarian
- Rachel Graefe-Anderson, UFC Past Chair