Committee Charge
The Town and Gown Committee was established in 2007 to promote positive relations between the University and the residents of the City’s neighborhoods surrounding the Fredericksburg Campus. It is comprised of University administrators and student leaders, representatives of neighborhood associations, City and University police chiefs, City government administrative officials, and two members of Fredericksburg City Council. The committee meets two times each year, alternating the meeting sites between University and City facilities. The Town and Gown Committee discusses a wide variety of relevant issues and works to find solutions to problems that may arise. The committee plays an important role in information sharing and building cooperative working relationships between UMW and the Fredericksburg community.
Committee Membership
The committee consists of the following members:
- Tim Baroody, Fredericksburg City Manager
- David Brown, Assistant City Manager
- Patrick Catullo, Director of Athletics, UMW
- Jack Cianciotto, College Heights Civic Association
- Mike Craig, Director, Community Planning and Building
- Kerry Devine, Mayor and College Heights Resident
- Sarah Dewees, Director of Center for Community Engagement, UMW
- Charyl Ferguson, Association Manager, Village of Idlewild
- Susanna Finn, City Council Member, Ward 3
- Jon Gerlach, City Council Member, Ward 2
- Brian Gorham, Executive Director of Facilities Operations, UMW
- Michael Hall, Chief, University of Mary Washington Police
- Gary Hobson, Capital Outlay Program Director, UMW
- Amy Jessee, Executive Director of University Communications, UMW
- Melissa Jones, Dean of Students & Associate VP for Student Affairs, UMW
- Julie Kay, College Terrace Planning Committee
- Sarah Kirkpatrick, Public Information Officer, Fredericksburg Police
- Juliette Landphair, Vice President for Student Affairs, UMW
- Brian Layton, Fredericksburg City Police Chief
- Dennis Lister, College Heights Civic Association
- Carl Little, Maury Neighborhood Association President
- Jacob Long, Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer
- Aimee Lynch, Fredericksburg City Police Department
- Jeff McClurken, Chief of Staff & VP of Strategy, UMW
- Tina Morris, Chair, College Terrace Neighborhood Association
- Will Morris, Director, Fredericksburg Public Works
- Troy D. Paino, President, UMW
- Chris Porter, Assistant Dean of Students, UMW
- Laura Rutledge, Elite Community Management, LLC, Association Manager, Trench Hill, College Hall, and College Hill
- Kathy Sandor, Director of Business Services, Bookstore, UMW
- Sue Sargeant, President, College Heights Civic Association
- Teresa Segelken, Director of Continuing and Professional Studies, UMW
- Shavonne Shorter, Associate Provost for Equity and Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer, UMW
- Will Thompson, Student Government Association President, UMW
- Katie Turcotte, Vice President for Advancement & Alumni Engagement/Executive Director of the UMW Foundation, UMW
- Craig Vasey, Maury Neighborhood Association President and UMW Retired Professor
- Lucy Whealton, Chair, SGA University and Community Relations, UMW
- Alma Withers, College Terrace Planning Committee
- Susan Worrell, Executive Director of Events, UMW