For 2024-2025:
Loft and bunk bed parts will be placed into student rooms before Move-In occurs. Students can request request a loft or bunk bed kit on Roompact. The deadline for loft and bunk bed requests is 11:59pm on Sunday, August 11th.
To log into Roompact, use your student email but exclude the “mail.” Example:
How to:
All residents have the ability to choose the bed configuration they want. All beds are set to the standard “tall” configuration which consists of one headboard, one footboard, and the bed springs set at the highest setting (about 31″ inches), with the mattress on top. Residents may lower the bed springs, bunk the beds, or loft the beds. It is entirely up to the resident to determine what bed configuration suits them best.
All beds must be returned back to their original “tall” state prior to moving out (either at end of year or when moving out due to room change). Failure to do so will result in a charge of $125 billed to the student.
If a resident wishes to change their bed configuration during the year, they must contact their RA or Area Coordinator. A work order is not necessary and will be rejected by Facilities Services. Once the staff member is contacted, they will give the resident the parts they need to change the bed to the desired state. It is the resident’s responsibility to make the changes. It takes at least two people make the configuration changes together (more makes it easier).
- Beds in the following buildings cannot be Bunked: Jefferson and UMW Apartments
- Beds in the following buildings cannot be Lofted: UMW Apartments
Definition of Terms

Bunk beds:
When both beds are placed parallel to each other – one on the bottom and the other above it. Bed pins secure the headboards to each other. Both roommates would have to communicate with each other and agree that this is the best sleeping situation, determining who would sleep in which bed, etc.

Lofted bed:
When one bed’s head and foot boards are doubled and secured with bed pins (and a security bar) to be raised high above the ground. The mattress is placed high so other furniture items are in the space below the mattress to maximize space usage. The highest a loft can be raised is just under 6 feet.

Bed Adjustments:
Resident Assistants have rubber mallets and can show students the proper way to adjust bed heights. The beds can be adjusted anywhere from 18″ to 31″ off the ground. The bed in the photo is at the “tall” setting, the standard height across campus when students move in. 31″ is to the edge of the springs, and 32.5″ from the floor to the springs.
Returning Your Loft Kit:
Loft kits can be returned by contacting an RA at any point during the school year and must be returned before a resident checks out of their room. All parts must remain in the room until an RA can unlock the appropriate storage area. It is the resident’s responsibility to work with an RA to return all loft kit parts to the designated storage area. Failure to de-loft your bed and return all loft kit parts will result in a $125 charge to your student account.
Additional materials
YouTube video for setting up your loft or bunk bed: