Where do I start?
To plan a successful event, you have to start by first deciding what you want to do at your event. Is this a party for your student club, a departmental meeting with colleagues, or an open mic night for everyone to attend? While figuring out what you want to do, start thinking about the ideal date for your event, the times of the event, the time you need in the space to setup, how long it will take to breakdown, the expected attendance, and finally, the ideal location for your event. Having this information at the beginning stages will make the event creation process easier for you.
Find an Available Space
Once you know what you want to happen for your event, choose a space where you want to hold it. The Cedric Rucker University Center has a variety of rooms that can fit all types of needs: from small meetings to large dance parties. Look at the 25live calendar first to see if it looks available.
Once you’ve chosen your space you’ll need to reserve it. Please see the Reserving a Space for further instructions. A minimum 5 days advance reservation is required for all spaces. For scheduling purposes and complex setups, two-weeks notice is preferred for Chandler Ballroom.
Create a layout
Once your space is confirmed, you’ll want to contact the CRUC Facilities and Events Manager to go over your setup options and and needs. The Manager will advise on all aspects of using the space, and will create a floor plan drawing specific to your needs. Rentals and any permits are the user’s responsibility, but details should be confirmed with the Manager. Be sure to reserve time for rentals to be brought in and picked up!
All rooms come with tables and chairs. Some rooms can be rearranged to fit your event’s needs, but Concierge Services staff must handle the setup through the CRUC Facilities and Events Manager. Chandler Ballroom comes with additional options such as a configurable stage that can help make your event work more smoothly. Not all options are available at all times.
Audio/Visual equipment and support
Events in Chandler Ballroom may require Events AV support if the projectors, computers, or microphones are to be used. Due to the movement of equipment in and out of the space, AV will make sure the equipment is ready for your event. Other spaces depend on your needs.
Take time to think what audio and visual equipment you’ll need for your event. Are you showing a film, playing music, or showing a presentation? Does your speaker need a microphone? Do you need special lighting to showcase what’s going on?
You must submit an AV request form ten days or more in advance to be sure to get support. Less time than that may mean no technician is available. Audio/Visual request forms can be found on the Events A/V website, plus there is a detailed list of the additional services they may offer, such as professional video or audio recording of events. (This is a link to the specific AV form for Chandler Ballroom).
Food and Beverages
All events requiring food and beverages must be catered through UMW Catering with the exception of student clubs’ events. If you need catering services at your event, please send a message to UMW Catering. (Student clubs or their sponsor need to request a waiver early to use outside food vendors, and then they must follow Catering and Safe-Food Handling Guidelines set by Student Activities and Engagement.)
Advertise your event!
Now that your details are in place, you’ll want to get word out about your event, but FIRST check to see if your event has been assigned to your chosen space in 25live!
For students: Submitting the event in Presence/MyUMW does not mean the event is confirmed in your chosen space. Please check to see if your event has been posted to 25live.
For all others: The initial email response from the 25 Live system is not an event confirmation. Please contact the Office of Events and Conferencing if you are unsure of your event status prior to advertising.
Events should NOT be advertised (print materials, electronic communications, social media, etc.) prior to the event being assigned to your chosen location in 25Live. If it does not appear in 25live, it is not a confirmed event!
Once you know your event has been assigned to your chosen space, you can promote your event in a variety of ways at the CRUC. Visit the Advertising Your Event page to find out about the options and respective policies.
Final Steps
Your event date is coming up! Three weeks prior to your event, Concierge Services Supervisors will contact you to verify and confirm the details about spaces, times, and layouts that we have, and to remind you to contact catering and Events AV if needed. One week before your event, you should double-check with your different contacts (especially AV, catering) to make sure that all of your event details and information are as you wanted.
Enjoy your event!
You put in a lot of hard work! It’s now time to enjoy your event and celebrate its success.